
Aug 2020 - Feb 2023

Front-End Developer (Based on Wordpress)

Leadbox HQ

I used to work in the Core Team where I developed new features and components for our main parent theme, which inherited the other child themes on multiple sites. The stack I worked with on a daily basis was based on Roots (Sage 10), Tailwind CSS, Laravel, VueJS, and custom Wordpress plugins, among other tools and libraries. During my time there, I was responsible for improving the metrics of the Core Web Vitals of our sites through better coding practices, bundle analyzers, better implementations of scripts and styles, which helped to improve the scores of tests such as PageSpeed Insights. I also contributed to improving the SEO and accessibility conditions of the sites, adhering to the guidelines given by A11y and WCAG 2.0, and using tools like Ahrefs. In addition, I participated in the creation and configuration of Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Data Studio accounts.


Front-End Developer

Fundación EPyCA

I was in charge of converting some old Flash views into HTML and CSS and fixing some bugs in the Reprasis system, a platform of the foundation, so that it could work properly before the start of the course at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

2018 - Current



I started my first steps in programming on this platform and I am still using it today to continue learning.

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